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2nd Sprint

· One min read

From: 24/10/2022

To: 31/10/2022

Scrum Master: Artur Romão

Product Owner: Mariana Rosa

Developers: João Farias, João Reis, Ricardo Rodriguez

Sprint Planning

In the third sprint we were expecting to achieve these goals:

  • User story 1: As Teresa, I want to login in my account, so that I can access my dashboard; (3 points)
  • User story 2: "As Teresa, I want to be notified when an intrusion occurs in my business, so that I can allow myself to be more comfortable and feel safe about my investment." (5 points)
  • Focus more on the client side and backend;
  • Communication flow between Camera API, Intrusion API and HDM;
  • Client UI with access to create and login account (without IDP yet), check his intrusions and profile page.

Story Points Estimated: 8

Sprint Review

Stakeholders appreciated that we were delivering user stories, however we need to be more efficient.

Story Points Delivered: 3

Sprint Retrospective

  • What went well? Client side pretty much developed.

  • What could be improved? Even the work in the team.

  • What went badly? Nothing serious.

Burndown Chart

Burndown Chart of sprint 2